Favorite TA Platform & Broker

Favorite TA Platform and or Broker:

  • What platforms do you guys use for charting?

  • Why is it your favorite platform or brokerage you use? :slight_smile:

I personally like to use TradingView for analytics. There are so many indicators and features on Tradingview! As for the broker, I have Robinhood and Webull for trading.


I like trendspider. It has a great market scanner and has a feature that you can turn off and on that will automatically find trend lines.

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I use TD Ameritrade’s Think or Swim platform pretty much exclusively. They are extremely customizable as far as scanning and indicators go. It’s also who I do 95% of my trades through so it makes sense to have everything in one place!


It seems like you really like the platform! :slight_smile: I’ve never personally used TD Ameritrade or the swim platform. I might switch to it over time, but for now, i use Webull, Robinhood, and Tradingview.I think TD Ameritrade has rewind too right?

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Same here … I trade on TD Ameritrade and use the Think or Swim platform. Personally I am still learning to read chart and such. I am hoping this forum will be a place where I can learn and discuss various stocks.


Glad to have you! This forum was just created and it’s not going anywhere. :slight_smile:


Webull, TDameritrae, Robinhood

Which do you like the best? :slight_smile:

Webull, charts are high quality and remind me of TradingView: slick, fast, and easily manipulated. Plus it’s free to use!

I use Fidelity for long term investing, Tradestation for trading and charting. For scanning, I mostly use Finviz and sometimes tradestation’s scanner.

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