Welcome the AngelBaeTrades Forum!

Welcome to the AngelBaeTrades community forum!!
A place dedicated to likeminded people looking better themselves within the Stock & Crypto markets!

  • Discuss topics with like minded people regarding trading ,stocks, or crypto.

  • Educate yourself or others by reviewing videos provided by Kelly @AngelBaeTrades

  • Create your own posts and get feedback from peers.

  • Have fun! & Let’s make that bread! :baguette_bread: :bread:

Extra fun perks! Check out Kelly’s Trader Merch Shop @ Shop.AngelBaeTrades.com , Amazon recommendations posted in this forum, & more!


I have focused on crypto since the start of the pandemic. I’ve made and lost money but I’m still pushing to get to the 7 figured number in my bank account. I’m really intrigued into you rn. Have been for some time now. You’re really putting in work . And you believe in yourself . This new journey will make you big. Warren buffet big baby !! -Ariel

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Thank you Ariel for your kind words! :innocent:
That’s awesome that your doing well for yourself too! Keep going! 8 figures here you come!:sparkles:

As for me, I believe If you truely want to succeed at anything in this life, you have to put in the work while staying positive.Being able to believe in yourself that you can do anything without limitations is key.

Thank you for your supporting my journey! :blush:

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